Saturday, March 17, 2012

Worry: Sin's Playground, The Series

So I took my son to the playground this afternoon and as usual he wants to run straight for the playground equipment. I like the playground we got to but there isn't a clear place for me to stand to see the entire equipment and him at one time. Not to mention, there are plenty of different pieces that he likes to play with that causes an uneasiness within me.

And then it hit me today! Worrying about him playing on the playground is a little out of my control. And then God spoke ....

When I worry, it's like being on this piece of playground equipment. When trying to get from one side to another, there are different pieces of the equipment that will distract me and cause me to believe that I will fall or give me a false sense of security. The only way to make safely from one side to the next is to keep my head up and my eyes lifted and forward.

Wow! God-spired moment!

Over the next couple of weeks, I want to discuss worry and it's characteristics just like the different pieces of playground equipment.

I hope this speaks to you as it speaks to me.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The sin of sitcoms

Image taken from Google Images

Do you know why TV Land is so popular? Because it allows the average person to watch an episode of a show they've seen time and time again ...... AGAIN! Why is this important to us? Because we like the security of the predictable. We like knowing the outcome before it happens and the familiar becomes our faith.

The other day I had to have a very direct and blunt conversation. Days prior to the conversation, I found myself "going over" the conversation in my head to make sure I didn't miss anything. I rehearsed what I was going to say many times over and even rehearsed what the other person might say or how they might respond and how I was going to respond to THAT!

Sound familiar? Been here before?

What I came to realize is that I was (again) worried about something I couldn't control. For all the dress rehearsals I was having, nothing cold prepare me any better for that moment in time than anything else ...... Except the complete reliance on God to know the situation, write the script (done), cast the characters and know the outcome (already done).

Jeremiah 29:11 gives us the confidence that we need to make it through any situation, "For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord." This is our confidence that this "Grammy-winning" situation we are about to enter will only come out gold!